Stuart Maue shares various news and articles to help you understand the world of legal spend management.
- Legal Fee Audits – August 1985
- Stuart Maue Completes Largest Legal Audit Involving Claims for Attorney Fees and Expenses in OxyContin Litigation
- Myths, Realities and Strategies of Fixed Fees
- Pfizer Learns that Cost-Saving Legal Program Leads to Billions in Liability
- The Billable Hour Just Won’t Die, Report Finds
- Qualitative versus Quantitative Audits
- Top 8 questions to ask when evaluating a legal bill review vendor
- How to achieve a better litigation budget
- Benefits of outsourcing legal bill review
- Tips for improving your legal billing guidelines
- Using Shadow Billing with Alternative Fee Arrangements
- Court can and will significantly reduce “exaggerated” and “overstated” attorney’s fees
- How accurate is your legal e-billing system
- Jump on the metrics and reporting bandwagon
- Controlling legal spend rate creep
- The “Fair Contemplation” Test and Attorneys’ Fees Claims: A DoubleEdged Sword for Debtors and Creditors